Note head directions - drums

• Aug 7, 2011 - 11:48

Hi all

Firstly, sorry if this has been asked before - if it has, I couldn't find it! I'm using Musescore 1.0 on Windows 7.

I'm having difficulties with writing a drumset part. I need to have two Toms playing at the same time, and they need to be in the same voice (essentially similar to a chord on the piano). Since I need Toms 2 and 3 to share a stem, I need to have the note heads showing on either side of the stem for clarity, otherwise they overlap and just look like one big blob! If I do a similar thing in a piano score with a chord requiring two notes very close together, it flips one of the heads automatically, but doesn't do the same with the drumset. I've tried highlighting the notes and going to note properties and manually changing the settings, but it doesn't have any effect.

If possible I'd prefer not to have to edit the drumset so the noteheads show in a different place on the stave, as the drummer I'm writing for reads it at the default settings.

Please can anyone shed any light on what I'm doing wrong?


If I were you, I wouldn't use adjacent notes (a line and the very next space) for the toms. I'd go with both spaces or both lines. So that means using different tom sounds than you are talking about. If for playback purpose you require those particular tom sounds, I'd edit the drumset to chane the display location.

But in any case, it does seems that what you are trying should work. And if not automatically, then the Shift-X shortcut to mirror note head should at least be available. As it is, it looks like the only way to get the effwct is to move one of the noteheads (double click, use arrows).

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