Playback bug since 1.1

• Aug 7, 2011 - 21:12

When I was using 1.0, I could click on a given note in the score and hit the play button and it would start at the marked note. Since 1.1 however, this is not working consistently. After exiting the "N"-mode (note input) and selecting a note within the range of the just inserted notes and click play, it will start to play back from the beginning instead of the selected note.

When this happens, I hit Stop play back, select another note and then the same note as before again, hit play and it will play back correctly.


It would be helpful to know what operating system and version number you are using.

Also, does what you described happen only with the Playback icon? How about if you initiate playback with the spacebar instead?

In reply to by [DELETED] 448831

It's happening in Version 1.1 (build 4611) on Windows XP. No difference between button or spacebar. The issue seems to happen always when I exit note input mode (and I actually changed something in the score). Just entering the Note mode and exiting it won't reproduce the problem.

In reply to by easily

I was curious about this because I'm also running MuseScore 1.1 on Windows XP (with SP3).

At first I couldn't reproduce the bug; I followed your steps exactly, and playback always proceeded correctly from wherever I clicked in the score. But then I recalled Lasconic's question about repeats, and I realized I had the Repeats On/Off button set to offI. I clicked it on, which then produced the bug as reported.

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