Problem placing notes

• Aug 15, 2016 - 04:05

This is for the piano: in one measure, in the bass, I have three 16th notes one after the other, in the treble above I have corresponding three 16th rest, but when I want to place my next note in the treble, musescore will not allow it, but wants to place the treble note above the first note in the bass. This does not make sense. If I have rest in the treble, musescore should allow me to place notes beyond the rest. Should it not? How can I solve this problem? Hope I have explained it so you can understand it.


I'm guessing you're using the mouse to input notes, so of course they're going on the staff you click closest to. You could increase the distance between the staves, but I'm going to suggest you just use the keyboard—type the letter name of the note, or click with the mouse and use the up and down arrow keys to change the pitch while staying on the same staff.

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