Can't run musescore from xcode

• Aug 17, 2016 - 17:22

Hi everyone,

I'm a new musescore contributor. Today, I tried running the program from within xcode. I saw the bouncing icon on my dock, but the program terminated before opening fully. I'm not sure why this might be happening, or how to fix it.

I am running 4965fd2 on OS X 10.11.5.


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Thanks lasconic. I didn't see that particular error message in my console though, or any error message at all, for that matter. Also, which file am I modifying when I go to modify the mscore sheme? Sorry, I'm new at this. As far as I know, the answers to these questions aren't given in the developer handbook.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Thanks for trying to help. I followed these steps and added the environment variable, but am still having the same problem. I'll see what, if anything, I can figure out

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