playing a score

• Aug 17, 2016 - 21:42

When playing a score - how do you set the play mode so it will each measure by itself - if you multiple instruments?


Ok - I have piano piece - both clefs - 16 measures. Each stave is set like a portrait - i after another. What i would like to playback each measure and wrap around to the next stave - to the end. Not have all measures play together and overlap each other.

I don't 1 mesure looping - when I hit play I want 1 measure to play after another to the end. Solo piano piece both clefs together.

In reply to by DieHard

That score contains THREE simultaneous piano parts. You want it to play as ONE continuous piano part.

Delete the two extra piano staves, add ('append') an appropritate number of empty measures, and write (or paste-in) the music you want played into those empty measures.

Sorry if we're having trouble understanding you; it is apparent that English is not your primary langauge. What is your mother tongue? There are a number of different Musescore forums in various languages where it might be easier for you to communicate your problem.

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