Copy Lyrics to another stave

• Aug 21, 2016 - 07:52

Hello MusicScore Community,

is it possible to copy a Verse of Lyrics to another stave? How can i do that?
I have a choral score (SATB) and i put in the lyrics in the Soprano stave. Can i now select the lyrics in the soprano stave and coy it into the Tenor stave ?

Thanks for help,

Wuerzburg, Germany


If the rhyhtms match, no need for the explicit copy to clipboard command (although it can be useful in other situations). Instead, simply select the lyrics (eg, first select the desired range of measures, then right click a lyric and Select / All similar Elements in Range Selection), then press Ctrl+C, then click the desired destination note on the other staff, and press Ctrl+V.

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