Bar numbers off place when extracting parts in MS 1.1

• Aug 21, 2011 - 15:40

Since recently I've been using MS 1.1. This is the first time that I tried to extract parts from my main score, and I encountered a problem with the bar numbers. They show up between the staff lines.
This never happened while I was using MS or MS1.0, so I guess I'm not doing something wrong. Does it possibly have to do with the new version, or what?
I attach print screens in order to make myself clear on the subject.
Any help will be very much appreciated.
And by the way, is there any way to move the bar numbers according to our will in MS 1.1, like we could do with the previous versions?

Thank you
(I'm using Windows 7)


You can move bar numbers with Style -> Edit text style -> Bar numbers. Change Y for the vertical position, save your score and File -> reload to see the result.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I'm guessing it's either the small sized staff or the spacer or the combination of the two that led to this, BTW. I've noticed MuseScore seems to calculate positions and sizes for small staves in such a way that they don't always look right if you then make the staff full sized. I never tried this with earlier versions, so I can't say if something chsnged or not.

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