Harp arpeggios

• Aug 23, 2016 - 22:45

Hi, before turning to the question I wanted to congratulate the team musescore the stability of the new version, the earlier problems faced shutdowns, at least in my case, very good job.

The question I present is as follows:
In scores of harp (mostly) is common to find arpeggios or notes related to the two keys, as in the image.

What is the proper way to proceed in the introduction of notes?
Would appreciate information, or a post where they explain, I have found nothing, thanks.

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Easiest is to just attach to the chord on one staff then double click and drag the handle to extend to the other. You'd want to do this late in the layout process because it won't truly attach to the other staff meaning the exact positioning might be off if something changes later (eg, staff spacing). Also it won't affect playback. If that's important to you, you'd need more complicated workarounds involving invisible notes and/or staves.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks Marc for the quick response.
I was doing it as comets instinctively, but I doubt bar arpeggio, is cut off.
Select two notes or chords and apply them to the bar arpeggio, it is that correct ?, then I can unify tenders for esthetically fits well, if it works well worth it to me, which I understand you've said is that there may be problems in to extend distances and others.

When notating stave-spanning arpeggios for piano I put an arpeggio on both to approximate the correct playback. Then I make one invisible and expand the other. My "rule" regarding this is to make the bottom stave arpeggio invisible and expand the top downwards unless the bottom stave arpeggio comes before an accented note that shifts it to the left with respect to the top stave arpeggio in which case I make the left-most arpeggio the visible one.

In reply to by underquark

I'll try, then I understand that you put the two bars of arpeggios, and depending on how coments, one of them make invisible.
Sometimes in the treble clef and there is a note in the bass clef several, I guess there are no reproductive problems, thanks.

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