playback doesn't work (solved)

• Aug 27, 2016 - 13:11


I recently made the upgrade to 2.0.x and the ply back function doesn't work any more.
The buttons on my screen stay gray and also using the space bar doesn't start the play back function.

I tried to repair it by downloading and installing version 2.0.3 again and rebooting my laptop but that didn't help.

What do I or is wrong?

I use Windows 10

Thank you for your help


In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hello Marc,

you asked:
What settings do you see in Edit / Preferences / I/O, and what soundfont do you see listed in View / Synthesizer?

I see nothing, only the box PORTAUDIO is selected

In View synthesizer is also gray and not selectable

All scores don't work
I already tried some notes in the default scores, same problem


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