Selection after adding dynamics or articulation

• Sep 3, 2016 - 06:47

So, articulation selection is usually okay. I add an articulation, it's selected, I type v to make it invisible or hit the arrow key to move on, the workflow is good. Staccato does NOT work that way though, and it perturbs me because a) I have to resort to a mouse to select it b) it's the tiniest thing in existence c) it doesn't follow the standard.

Dynamics are pretty bad, though. Every time I add them, unless I'm both in 'note adding' mode and I have a note to add immediately after, I have to use the mouse to get back to the note, which slows me down and interrupts work flow. I understand that using arrow keys to move it around is useful, but maybe we can make that Shift+ -> for moving it around and just the arrow key to get back to work? I'm not sure about hairpins. Maybe make it Ctrl/Cmd for everything instead of shift.

Would be really, really nice to go nearly keyboard only.


I second (agree). 'Twould be a big +1 for MS to have a means to cycle into any dynamic marking, edit, then go back into the notes via keyboard quickly and efficiently. This also applies to beams and things.
...Be still my arm, hands off my mouse...

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