Partition bookmarks

• Sep 3, 2011 - 19:41

It would be very useful to have to possibility to insert bookmarks at any stave, and be able to jump back and forth when playing the score.
As a member of a choir, this would help very much to repeat some specific parts of the score.

Thanks in advance for considering this enhanced player feature.



Depending on what you want to achieve exactly, it can be already possible. You can use a segno as a market and a DS as "jump to". You can edit both of them visually by double click. If you need more than one, you can change their "internal name" an by right click -> Marker / Jump properties. "start" and "end" are hardcoded as a marker for the start of the score and for the end of the score. You'll encounter problem is you try to nest these marker/jump structure together or with the other repeat facilities (repeat bar, voltas etc...)

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