Bach Cantata 191

• Sep 11, 2016 - 06:43

My choir will be performing Bach's Cantata 191 in a couple of months. It's difficult to learn. A digital score readable by MuseScore would be very helpful. We're doing it with piano accompaniment, but the orchestral score would be okay, too, as long as it contains the vocal parts, especially the choir.

I don't know if there are other resources around the internet for obtaining digital scores -- I mean .xml .mxl or .mscx Doubtlessly, some diligent soul, somewhere, has entered the score by hand, using MuseScore or some similar software, but it isn't posted on the MuseScore forum. I found part 1, for small orchestra, probably transcribed the version for choir and orchestra, but it isn't quite suitable.

If someone has a clean PDF of the score for chorus and piano, I might try to scan and correct it.

Some publishers try to copyright their printed versions, but the score itself is in the public domain.

Any suggestions?


I guess I figured out what to do. I found an MP3 score of Bach's Cantata 191. imported it into MuseScore. MuseScore quantized it very well, only a few things came out funny -- timpani rolls and cornet trills. Good enough to make practice recordings for the choir.

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