How can I change Orchestra section samples to Solo Instruments Samples in a Soundfont?

• Sep 11, 2016 - 22:48

Hi guys. I have a question about some orchestra sections in some orchestra soundfonts that I found like Squidfont Orchestra, Saint Jame's Orchestral soundfont, Bellatrix Orchestra, Sonatina Symphonic Orchestra, EWQL Orchestra Library, etc. How can I change each section samples to solo instrument samples from a section sample in any orchestra soundfont? Because if I would do that, then I would use these samples for more soundfonts I'm creating to use for MuseScore. I know that the Sonatina Symphonic Orchestra Soundfont has solo instruments and sections. But other orchestra soundfonts like the Squidfont Orchestra, Bellatrix Orchestra, and EWQL Orchestra Library soundfont has a lot of instrument section samples. Not Solo instrument samples from these section samples.

Is there anyway to use these section samples and turn them into solo instruments samples in any orchestra soundfont by using an audio program that can transform from Instrument Section samples to Solo instrument samples?

If you have any answers or results. Please comment below.



I cannot imagine any possible way that trying to turn a recording a section of instruments into a recording of a single section would have any chance of enough success to be worth the effort. That is, take the best section sound from the best soundfont you've ever heard, process it however you like, and it probably won't be nearly as convincing as the worst solo sound from the worst soundfont you've ever heard :-). If you want a sample of solo instrument, you need to start with a sample of a solo instrument. At least, I'd be very surprised to hear anyone show evidence otherwise.

Interesingly, I'd consider it at least *conceivable* that the reverse would not be true. That is, that a sufficiently skilled person could perhaps turn an excellent solo sound into a decent section sound that would rival actual samples of sections.

In reply to by Arianna2001

It is a little like blending wines. You can mix five different red wines and you'll get a new quality. (Skilled people can blend to make a quality that they planned ahead--just like skilled orchestrators can generate sounds they first heard in their imagination).

But even the most skilled person won't be able to separate the Pinot Noir back out of the blend.

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