Localisation information of printed symbols

• Sep 26, 2016 - 10:14

To create training data for a machine learning project, I need to print snippets of musicXML (e.g. one measure). The problem is that i need to be able do have one Symbol of choice printed at the exact center. Is it somehow possible to access the localisation information of single symbols?


Well, you can move symbols manually with the mouse, cursor keys, or Inspector, but you'll have to eyeball it - positions are not stored in any absolute terms that would allow things to be calculated more exactly. Might be better to generate the image than edit it in an external program.

I'm not sure I understand exactly what you are willing to do, but yes, it should be possible to have the absolute coordinates of any element in the score. At least, MuseScore has this information internally. You will need to write some C++ to get it out of MuseScore. Feel free to join #musescore on freenode.net if you need help with compiling MuseScore.

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