Making a key signature on only one of two joined staves invisible

• Sep 30, 2016 - 23:26

I need to make all the elements of the lower staves in the attached file invisible except the bars. I can do this with the staff lines, clef and time signatures. but when I try to make the lower key signatures invisible, the upper key signatures, which I need for the notation in the upper staff, also becomes invisible. Is there a way to uncouple the key signatures and make just the lower ones invisible?

Also, I need to paginate the book-how do I add page numbers?


Attachment Size
Grandfather's Clock - Copy.mscz 19.79 KB


You can use the appropriate settings for the staff. Right-click the lower staff and choose Staff Properties…. Untick the "Show clef", "Show time signature" boxes.
Then open up the Advanced Style Properties…. In there uncheck "Show key signature".

Staff Properties would also be the better way to hide staff lines, clefs, and time signatures. That way they stay hidden even if the layout changes - if you merely marking them invisible as you have done, they will reappear when the layout change, as these elements are generated on the fly.

Page numbers should display by default if the score has more than one page, and in fact, I see them in your score (bottom left/right corner, depending on odd/even). If you'd like to change how/where they are displayed, see Style / General / Header, Footer.

BTW, the reason making a key signature invisible makes them all invisible is that selecting one actually selects them all. You can force only one to be selected by using Ctrl+Click rather than simple click.

In reply to by glennw1

Question is why you want to hide clef and time sig, this looks like a Percussion staff to me, so should have a Percussion clef and, especially for persussionists, should have a time sig

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