Is this possible to do with this software:

• Oct 13, 2011 - 02:24

I have a 4 part vocal score that I would like to transpose so it can be played instrumental as a quartet. Is it possible to separate the 4 voices into their own score and transpose into the proper keys for each instrument? The planned quartet is Flute, Clarinet 1, Clarinet 2, and Bassoon. This is not a score I've created myself as I just downloaded the program this evening, it is a score that was previously created in Musescore.


Yes, this is quite possible. Most straightforward would be to create a new score with four separate instruments, then copy and paste the parts from the original score into the new one, one part at a time. You can then extra the four parts into separate files (File->Parts), and MuseScore can transpose the instrument parts automatically by turning off the Concert Pitch button.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you very much :) That worked out great. there a way to put the transposed parts back together into a score so I can hear and see if I transposed into the proper key? For C instruments the original key is D, I transposed to E for B flat clarinets, plus I had to change the clef for one of the clarinets...just want to make sure I did it right before I print and give it to the quartet.

In reply to by FarfalleAlfredo

I think you may have misunderstood my suggestion. What I suggested was that you create a single score containing four instruments, not four separate scores. So it would already be all together. and if you created the score properly, selecting the appropriate instruments from the instrument list, MuseScore would do the transposition for you simply by toggling the "concert pitch" button. It would play back the same regardless of whether it is currently displayed as transposed or not, so you'd check your work by simply listening to it as you entered it, and you wouldn'tbe doing any transposing yourself. Only after it was all entered and checked would you then extract the parts.

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