It's a Jungle Out There (Monk Theme Song)

• Oct 23, 2011 - 02:32

Hello all.
This is my attempt to capture the wonderful theme song of one of my favorite TV shows on MuseScore. Any constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated.

Attachment Size
It's a Jungle Out There.mscz, 6.26 KB


That's really great! I like your use of jazz syncopation. One thing I might mention that's sort of bugging me is the guitar playing the melody. I don't know what it was originally played on—whether it was a guitar or not—but it doesn't seem like it's really in a melodic range to me . . . . Let me qualify that: The guitar seems to be playing in a tenor/baritone range, and I think it would sound better a little higher—maybe alto or mezzosoprano. A muted trumpet, I think, would really fit well with the style. But that's just my opinion.


In reply to by musicandpancakes

The message it is attached to contains: "I've got the BPM, then, so here it is."

I will try with the earlier one and let you know.

EDIT: None of them work for me. I tried all I could find. All except the 1st one have the result as reported. The first on triggers MuseScore, but no file loads.

The comma in the filename means you posted the *backup* version of the file (it probably also had a leading period). The real version of you file has neither the comma nor the period.

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