Copy and Paste, Rests are Mis-Aligned

• Oct 25, 2011 - 00:47


When I copy measures and paste them into either another part in the same score, or into a new score, the whole-note rests in any measures without notes in them are aligned to the extreme horizontal left of the measure.

For example, copy four measures in the flute staff and paste into the oboe staff. Let's say the first two measures have notes, the third doesn't and the fourth does.

When the measures are pasted into the oboe staff, the third measure's whole-note rest is aligned to the far left of the measure.

If the entire third measure is selected, then ctrl-X Cut, the whole-note rest moves back to the horizontal middle of the measure.

If in 3/4 a whole-note rest turns into a dotted-half-note rest. Select the entire measure and ctrl-x restores it to a middle-aligned whole-note rest.

Any way to automatically re-align all whole-note rests to the horizontal middle throughout the entire score, or is it necessary to ctrl-x every effected measure?



Yes, copy and paste converts "measure rests" (centered rests that indicate a completely empty measure in any time signature) into real rests - left-aligned whole rests in the case of 4/4, left-aligned dotted half rests for 3/4. The workaround is indeed to delete the rests, but it doesn't work in certain time signatures, unfortunately (I noticed this in 5/2). The last nightly build I tried showed this as being much better in 2.0.

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