Copying chord names

• Nov 7, 2011 - 21:12

First I would like to thank you for this wunderfull program. I don't know if this question should be here or in futer reqeusts.
I use M.S. for writing arangements for an accordion band, first, second and third accordion, and in the score I place the chord names above first accordion and then I print sepperate parts to give to rhe musicians, but for second and third accordion I have to add the chord names again. I tryd it with copy and paste but that doesn't work.


to have chordnames on all parts has been discussed, but not yet implemented.

For now you will have to copy them one by one, I believe.

Someone else may have an easier way.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Weird. I would have sworn it worked the way I described in 1.0, because i remember using this in the first major score I did. But it' possible I was just remembering that hitting delete leaves the chords behind, and I used that to prepopulate the chords in a staff *before* entering notes. Anyhow, you're right, it doesn't seem to work now, so thanks for the correction! But you can still use this method to enter chords *before* entering notes. And if you've already entered notes, you can still use a scratch staff to get the job done - first copy the *destination* to a scratch staff, then copy the source to the destination, then delete the destination notes, then copy the scratch staff back. Not necessarily any easier than using voice switching, though.

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