Positioning of articulations

• Oct 12, 2016 - 15:52

2.0.3 / Win 7

1. The "Direction" and "Anchor" properties in the Inspector are also in the right-click ""Articulation properties" dialog. Perhaps everything should be moved instead to the Inspector (inc. MIDI properties)?

2. If you select an articulation, the Anchor property in the Inspector is greyed out. But if you open the right-click "Articulation properties" the same property can be edited. Is this a bug?

3. "Anchor" in the Inspector gives the impression that this setting changes the anchor position. But the actual anchor is always attached to the staff, no matter what "Anchor" says. Perhaps the name should be changed from "Anchor" to "Position"?

4. Press "X" on the articulations in the attached file: Accent, Marcato, Fermata and Tenuto. Some articulations move to the other side of the note, but Marcato reverses direction instead. Shouldn't Marcato change position like the others?

5. In Style > General > Articulations, Ornaments, changing Notehead distance, Staff distance, or Articulation distance doesn't seem to have any effect.

6. The accent staccattos from the Master palette are smaller in width than the accents from the palette. Shouldn't they be the same width?

Attachment Size
articulation_position.mscz 3.69 KB


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