any thoughts about disabling pressing 7, 8, or 9 to change durations of single, two, or four-measure repeat measures?

• Oct 13, 2016 - 03:44

I reported #137116: CRASH if try changing duration of Repeat Measure, which could be resolved by simply prohibiting duration changes for single or multi-measure repeats. Although I could alternatively incorporate the use of keystrokes 7, 8, or 9 for converting a measure repeat between a single-measure, two-measure, or four-measure repeat.

My question is do you think using those keystrokes would be a bastardization of the interpretation of whole, double, longa? Treating whole as single-meas, double and two-measure, and longa as four-meas only is correct for time signatures that can reduce to 1/1, such as 4/4, but in other time sigs doesn't make sense.

Also can anyone think of a logical interpretation of adding augmentation dot to a repeat measure, or should that simply be prohibited?


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