Slurs on Playback.

• Oct 14, 2016 - 13:30

I have finally found out how to slur notes of different pitch (previously I was just using the tie facility) but when I play the piece back it plays them as individual notes. I am assuming I am doing something wrong. Guidance please? Thanks.


Just to be clear, though: slurs *are* individual notes. if you don't want to hear individual notes, you *should* be using ties. Slurs are still individual notes, just with a different type of attack (on wind and string instruments, anyhow).

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I get your point on what slurs are and obviously I agree but if I use the tie facility it will not tie adjacent notes of different pitch. The other correspondent said that slurs are not implemented on playback in this version so at least I understand it is not something I am doing wrong. Or am I still missing a point. Cheers.

In reply to by bobloes

If the pitches are different, it isn't a tie.

in order to truly understand what you mean, it would help if you posted the score you are having problems with. Slurs and ties are different things, and if you use the correct one for the situation, they both work as they should, except that as mentioned, the special playback effect that slurs should have for wind and stringed instruments (a difference in the attack) is not implemented. but again, whether slurred or not, they *are* individual notes, and absolutely are supposed to be played that way. It's just supposed to be a bit smoother for wind instruments (because there is no use of tongue) and stringed instruments (because there is no change of direction in the bow).

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Even though I think I have been given the answer it would be rude not to give you the opportunity to assist me more. This is just two bars which highlight my question. It is for a D whistle and although it may not normally be played this way it does show the difference between what I thought was a slur (ie not tongued) and each note being sparately tongued and hence a different sense (I hesitate to say sound in case that is also technically incorrect).
Thanks again and sorry to take up so much time on such a small matter.

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