Musescore 2 (up to date)- error: "Cannot read file/pathway/filename.mscz" Please help!!

• Nov 10, 2016 - 20:10

Hi there,
I have just discovered a problem when opening a few musescore files. It is saved on a usb flash drive, and it was working perfectly a few days ago, but when I tried to open it today, it came up with the error

"cannot read file /Users/desktop/username/Not_You_Again.mscz:"

I uploaded the 2 files, maybe it's the program, but I have a sinking feeling it's the usb I have them on. Are there any backup files, what I mean is does musescore have an auto-save feature?
This is a really important project for school that I worked really hard on, any help would be extremely appreciated!



In reply to by Shoichi

Hi there, thanks for the help! I was able to get some of the files back, but there's still one that refuses to work. I followed the steps in the link you gave me, to make the hidden files visable and change the name and extension. I used the same process for all three files, however it did not work for the last one! It still shows the same error for some reason, even though all three are in the same circumstance and I believe were corrupted at the same time..

I also tried to find the backup files in the library, but I wasn't able to find the correct file, all of the ones there were from other sessions I had created..

I have attached the 2 files, the Not_You_Again_legit_solo1.mscz is the one I changed from the hidden file, .Not_You_Again_legit_solo.mscz, (I changed the name because it wouldn't let me save the file with the same name).

Please, any assistance is greatly appreciated! Thanks :)

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