Save first 20 "commands" in MuseScore format

• Nov 14, 2016 - 14:27

Proposal: MuseScore could save the first 20 "commands" used to create the score in the MuseScore files (based on the hypothese that saving just the commands themselves wouldn't take much space.)
Because often, when a file is corrupted/problematic this is the first question asked by dev: how did you create the file? What time signature did you choose? ...
Having the first 20 (why 20 not 10 or 50? Purely arbitratry) commands included in the file could help in some cases.
It's just an idea ...


It's a good idea. But it cannot work right now because a lot of things in MuseScore are not "commands" and so couldn't be saved. If every action was a command, then yes, we could save them, we could even let a user record them and save them to be replayed again on a different score.

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