Making Measures with Too Many Beats Corrupts My Music Sheet

• Nov 21, 2016 - 04:28

Occasionally when I'm composing a measure, I'll end up somehow adding more beats than the measure is supposed to have. Example here:

When I attempt to edit the measure, MuseScore still thinks it's still in 4/4. I can't delete the rest, and deleting the notes replaces them with rests, which doesn't solve the problem.

While I'm failing to replicate this now, it's nevertheless happened every time I've tried to compose something and it's really throwing me off. I'm very, very new to music writing, so I don't know how to handle something like this happening.
Any advice or questions would be appreciated. Thank you!

Edit: I replicated the effect. When adjusting both the length and pitch of the notes in an already-full measure, the software will occasionally cram additional beats into the measure. Also it corrupted my file so I can't open it anymore.


Welcome aboard!

You wrote:
When I attempt to edit the measure, MuseScore still thinks it's still in 4/4. I can't delete the rest...
What measure, specifically, are you talking about - which contains too many beats? The one with the selection box around it?

If so, your posted image shows the right side of the selection box as overlapping a barline, so the following 2 eighth rests - and the quarter and half rests - actually reside in the following measure.
If, in that same measure, you are concerned about the "End Beat: 4.5" as shown in the status bar, realize that 4.5 does not mean that 4½ beats exist in that measure. Rather, the final rest occurs on the second half of beat #4. Hence the second half is labelled 4.5, as appropriate for a half beat eighth note. (A final 16th note would be labelled beat 4.75)

BTW: When I enter your notes (see the following image), I get a quarter rest on beat #4 rather than a quarter rest on beat #3.5 (as you show). How exactly did you enter your notes?

Number of beats.png

Also, please explain the exact steps/keystrokes you perform to replicate any 'effect' you mention. Please attach a corrupt file so we can have a look for possible bugs.


In reply to by Jm6stringer

" I replicated the effect. When adjusting both the length and pitch of the notes in an already-full measure, the software will occasionally cram additional beats into the measure."

What you mean especially by "adusting both the length and pitch of the notes"? What you do exactly and in which order? We need that you provide detailed steps to reproduce this (and better if you attach a test file)

FWIW, your picture does not appear to show any problem at all. All measures except the pickup have exactly four beats. It's just that the rests and beams are not entered correctly to obey the standard rules of notation, so it looks funny. So maybe that is throwing you off and making you think there is some sort of problem with the number of beats. But count it up - the selected measure has exactly four beats, and so does the next.

Without knowing more about what you are actually trying to do - and without seeing the actual score as opposed to just a picture - it's difficult to help further.

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