Systems spreading out, leaving blank space??

• Jan 15, 2012 - 03:11


I'm using the most recent version of musescore, and for some reason the systems in my composition are spreading out, leaving a large blank space at the bottom of each page. How can I fix this so that two systems fit on one page and I don't waste space?

Thank you!


It would help if you attached a ample score that demonstrates what yo are seeing. But in general, the spacing in MuseScore is controlled by the various settings in Style->Edit General Style->Page. Once you understand where you want the space, you should be able to set the corresponding parameters in this dialog to get just about any look you want. Note that if your page exceeds the page fill threshold, then MuseScore spreads everything out to fill the page, thus ignoring your system distance setting.

Too late to help you, but maybe this will help someone else:

I had the same problem, and I found that writing a lot of lyrics slightly expanded the length of a line of my score. That length became a little too large to allow two lines on one page. It was still too small to look normal though, so a liiiittle less than half the page was empty at the bottom. I was able to fix this by going into Layout > Page Settings > Staff space and lowering the value (essentially, shrinking the score) until the problem went away.

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