Sight reading from screen and playing along with PC

• Jan 16, 2012 - 15:09

I'd like to play a duo with MuseScore 1.1, me with my real life flute and my PC with its virtual MuseScore piano. At the same time I'd like to save some paper and sight read right form the screen.

I know what you're thinking: “just mute the flute voice and play along”.

It's not that easy. Sight reading requires seeing the notes about a bar or half a bar before playing them. So MuseScore should lag/delay the playback some time after displaying the notes. Is there any feature/plug-in enabling this?

Thanks in advance!


Not that I know of. But another approach might be to use the "poor man's scroll mode" I've described elsewhere. Set your page size to be one long horiztonal strip just tall enough for a single system. Then things won't seem so "jumpy" on playback. Not perfect by any means, but perhaps an improvement.

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