Lines that link to notes rather than staves

• Jan 17, 2012 - 22:19

Some elements in the lines palette, such as fret position indicators, are really more associated with specific notes than with positions on the staff. I would like copy/paste operations to transfer these elements along with the notes, and in other ways for them to behave more like fingering annotations. I don't see any way to create such objects presently.


UPDATE: This somehow wound up as a reply to the parent instead of being a separate request. But they're related issues.

1. While in edit mode on a line, after double-clicking to adjust its length, I would also like to be able to single click and drag the line's position as if edit mode were not present. It is annoying to have to exit edit mode to move the line.
2. Arrow keys should nudge the line when selected or editing.
3. Double-click on the text portion of a line, e.g. on a fret position, should allow text editing.

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