
• Apr 3, 2009 - 00:07

A feature that would be handy is if the first ending would snap to the repeat bar line, no matter where the volta was placed.



There should be more often or generally "snap" featuers!

Since the writing of notes takes a lot of time the most of it I´m spending adjusting things like voltas or system text or dynamics as elements of the same informationgroup, posittioning them.

It´s really really annoying and hopefuly I find a better solution than trying to stick the second volta to the end of the first one or getting cresc. all in one line.

Why isn´t there a snap tool, like in every other program there is one?

pressing p.e. ctrl while a volta is selected it snaps favored to its kind, the volta before or after? not cursering pixel for pixel arround to once hit the right point hasardly.

There must be more tools which leed to an decent and proper well readable sheet!

The solutions descripted above would solve the problems too.

Generally there ´d be many things that ´ would improve the handling of musescore.

"when I wanne pick (select) a note, why can I just pick the *censored* neck of it moving it senselessly arround just because of my lack of accuracy?!" or a barline? when do I need to "finetune" the postion of a barline? let me JUST select notes.

I dont need to apply polish when the future furniture hast roots and branches and stands in the woods -.- And I even dont wanne stumble over a paint pot when I try handling my chainsaw -.-

In 3D programs I also dont touch the texture, rendering, light options in the very begining.

In reply to by Troubadix

In MuseScore 2.0, it is already the case that voltas will automatically position themselves correctly according to the style settings you select. So it should not be necessary to need to make such adjustments often at all any more. And if you wish to adjust them all, you can do so directly in the style settings so all voltas update at once. For case where you do wish to have one or two specific voltas at a position different from the others, there will be a number of new facilities to make this easier, most importantly being the Inspector, which lets you dial the offset in directly.

Not sure what you mean about moving notes or barlines - neither should need to be performed often at all, but you *can* move notes. Perhaps you should start a new thread describing what you are having trouble with in more detail (one thread per issue), and people will be able to help.

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