Adding a text box at the bottom of the page.

• Jan 25, 2012 - 20:08

Is it possible to add a text box at the bottom of the page for additional lyrics?


In reply to by ChurchOrganist

You can also use a rehearsal mark as a moveable frame to contain lyrics etc.. Create the rehearsal mark with [Ctrl]-m, enter your text and then press [Ctrl]-a to select all the the text and you can click on the text left-alignment button down near the bottom left of your screen (assuming you want the text left-aligned instead of the default, centred). For a more polished look (IMHO), right-click in the frame, choose Text Properties and reduce "Round" to 0 for square corners.

I recently updated to the new version of MuseScore and now I don't seem to be able to add text boxes. What I am doing is Appending a Verticle Frame, but then I can't figure out how to insert the horizontal frame that is needed for the text. I used to do this on the old version so I have a general idea of how it is supposed to work, but I haven't done it for a long time, so maybe I just forgot how.

I am on a Macintosh computer, OSX 10.6.8

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Dear Marc,

Thanks for the response. It works and I feel kind of like an idiot because, Now that I do it, I realise that I knew this at one point.

By the way, Macintosh computers don't have "Right Click." It's one of the few things I regret about owning a Mac. We have a key called "Control" and to find those options we hold it down while clicking. So, for Macs it's "Control-Click on the Vertical Frame."


Jake Sterling

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