Beamed gracenotes on second instrument staff

• Jan 31, 2012 - 02:28

Hi there,

MuseScore 1.1 running on WinXP/7 I am having an issue with beaming several gracenotes together on measures in the staff for the second instrument. I've attached a screenshot of the issue as well as the entire file for reference purposes. The gracenotes can be deleted and re-entered resulting in proper beaming, but unfortunately, the result does not save. Reloading the file brings back the messed up gracenotes. Any workaround suggestions or fixes are appreciated.


Attachment Size
The Badge of Scotland.mscz 10.05 KB
gracenote_prob.png 70.1 KB


I think there is corruption in the score as evidenced by some of the G's being red.

The instrument range information in the Note Properties dialog changes, which is the cause of the notes being displayed this way.

Why this is happening is a mystery as you can't change instrument in 1.1.

In reply to by ChurchOrganist

Copied and pasted a few of the problem measures built in 1.1 and saved them to a test file. File->Reload caused a crash but when I tried File->Open, the gracenotes that were problematic in 1.1 were beamed properly. Perhaps the problem will be fixed in the 2.0 release? For now, I'll try to find a nightly build good enough for my needs. Thanks.

PS The nightly crashed when I tried to open the entire score (attached above).

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