notenames plugin

• Dec 6, 2016 - 23:04

I'm trying to adjust the position of the notenames in Musescore and it seems I have to do so for every note name. Is there a way to select all the notenames and reposition them all at once? For some reason the plugin is placing the notenames almost directly on top of the notes themselves, making it very difficult to read. I'd like to be able to adjust the offset in one fell swoop rather than one name at a time. I've already tried selecting all in the staff and adjusting the text properties offset position, but it only does it for one name, even when all names are selected.
Thanks in advance for any help!


Yes, there is.
Several ways to skin a car actually.
You could modify the pluginoyou could select one note name, right click, select all similar, then change the vertical offset in inspector

Thank you for those instructions JoJo - I was able to adjust the areas you stated (text.pos.y) but somehow the font is now at size 32. I'm a bit confused. I'm still unable to position the text for the notes on the bass staff under the notes and the fact that the font size is so large seems to be something that was changed in the notenames.qml file, but not sure where. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thank you all for your comments and instructions. I was finally able to solve this by doing the following:

1) Run the notenames plugin (don't bother playing with the "text.pos.y" values as the next time you run the plugin for a different score, you may not like the positioning. Altering the values in the plugin didn't seem to do anything anyway except for changing the horizontally displayed comma separated note name values to a "stacked" vertical view - "," for horizontal and "\n" for vertical (comments are in the plugin as to where this change can be made).

2) Once the plugin is run for your score, if the note names are not where you want them - click on the tab "View" and then "Inspector". As Shoichi commented above, this is where you can adjust the position of the note names. You can do this for ALL (Select all elements in the same staff, or select all similar elements).

3) If the font size is not what you want, click on the "Style" tab at the top of your score page. That brings up the pop up box which has a drop down list. From that drop down list, select "Staff" and adjust the horizontal and vertical positioning values from there. (I've attached a picture file - hopefully it will appear here).

Attachment Size
Musescore capture style drop down.JPG 55.96 KB

Sory, it's my first aproaching to a plugin. Could you tell my how to put latin names to the notes. Say " Do Re Mi etc"?

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