Mouse is hosed on XP

• Feb 17, 2012 - 02:12

I installed MuseScore for the first time yesterday. Opened the same document and played with it a bit. Imported a file from Finale via XML. At some point I remember poking the MuseScore Connect button. Shortly thereafter (or maybe immediately thereafter), the app stopped processing mouse events normally. Reloading, restarting the app, and rebooting the machine didn't help.

Symptoms: I can drop down the main system menus with the keyboard, but not with the mouse - clicking on a menu highlights it, but nothing drops down. Clicking a menu and dragging pans the main score window. Clicking on the palettes on the left does nothing - doesn't open and close them. Except that if the app loses focus, the first click in the app's window (that gives the app focus again) is handled normally.

Maybe the main document window is capturing mouse input as soon as the app gets focus? That's what it seems like.

The app is basically unusable this way, so I will probably just uninstall it, and maybe check back in on the project at some later date. Looks great, though!

This is on Windows XP SP3, no known weirdness with the mouse in many other apps.


Hmm I have experienced weirdness like this upon occasion, however, mouse control has always returned after either rebooting MuseScore or a soft system reset.

Did you try a hard (power off/on) reset?

I do wonder if this is a QT bug??

In reply to by ChurchOrganist

Yup, I restarted MuseScore and that didn't work, so I did a hard reset, and that didn't work either.

Seems plausible that it could be in QT. It really does seem like the document window is capturing the mouse as soon as the app gets focus - that would explain why it pans when I click on controls OUTSIDE the main window.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Ah, that's how to do it - I was looking for the app settings files, but didn't find them for some reason - but interestingly, running mscore -F doesn't fix it! It removes all the palettes from the screen, but the mouse still is captured and makes the main window pan instead of being interpreted by other controls - except for the first click while switching back to MuseScore from another window; that one is interpreted correctly. That is, everything works fine as long as I switch away to another app before each mouse click!

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