I AM PISSED! MuseScore 4.4.4 crashed twice, and then won't restore my score!
I had a score that had some style features and sounds saved like I wanted them, and when I finished with that score, called Hosanna, I went to write a new score. Instead of setting up everything, I made a copy of the Hosanna score and then erased the music to start a fresh score, while keeping my settings and sounds the same.
I updated to 4.4.4 today from 4.3.2. At first I liked it, but I've been very skeptical of updates, because 4.3.2 is the ONLY version I have gotten to work for playback decently with my Opus sounds. Everything else is TRASH, especially when exporting - I've already complained about that with not much help, other than it's a known error will be fixed down the road.
The issue I have today happened not more than 15 minutes after updating - not a good sign! Muse kept crashing on me. The first time I relaunched after the complete crash, it asked to restore the music. I clicked yes. And it restored most of what I had completed to that point.
Not more than 30 seconds later, it crashes again!!!!! When I relaunch, and choose yes to restore again, it takes it way back to the completed Hosanna score that the file originally started with. I assume if I started with a blank file, upon the second restoration, it would have just been blank! I had about 10-15 measures of original work for the orchestra written out and now I am very mad because it's gone!
If 4.4.4 is this unstable, I cannot complete my work for the Resurrection Cantata which rehearsals begin soon. I need an update that will fix this or I will be looking for a paid, professional application.
If your doing “mission critical” work, you may want to have a look at Dorico, they offer a 60 day free trial for both Pro and Elements version.
In reply to If your doing “mission… by ruddierdwelle
Thank you! Yes, getting crunch time for finalizing my scores!!!!
We really need to find out what is going on here. I think part of the problem might be that few people with the same sound fonts as you are having problems. It might not be the fonts at all. I am suspicious of deleting the notes from a score, then opening that blank score in a new version. You would think that it would work. But maybe not.
I have found that it is a good idea to restart my computer after doing any software update and before using it. I recall one update where I right away loaded a score. Playback didn't work. Then I restarted and playback was fine.
I suspect that something you are doing is causing this. We need the score to find out. I tried to download scores from your previous posts, but you have removed them. I've never had a score crash on its own. So it is possible for everything to work.
In reply to We really need to find out… by bobjp
Reboot the PC and see if this helps? Biggest problem is I don’t know if I can remember all my good music I wrote 😣😣😣
In reply to Reboot the PC and see if… by jbryant2003
So, you never turn you computer off?