
• Dec 15, 2016 - 19:12

I am downloading a newer version.
What happened to the languages?
For ffdff99 is the same

Attachment Size
Languages.png 61.3 KB


There was an issue with the translations on Transifex, lasconic fixed it this morning, guess that is why you see that many needing to get updated?

Hmm, guess you are more concerned about those that are missing, like Italiano ;-) right?

In reply to by Shoichi

Now the list grew from 28 to 56 languages (Thanks, lasconic!)
There may still be some mossing, Transifex has 60, one of which (Malayalam) hasn't yet been intgrated into MuseScore (due to not having a translator), so still 3 missing?

Edit: actually 4, Flemish and Arab for Egypt, Algeria and Sudan
Edit 2: there we go, the Arabic variants are there now too.

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