Editing MIDI

• Feb 25, 2012 - 03:44

I created some scores in a now-obsolete program called MusicTime. The only format common between MuseScore and MusicTime is MIDI; however, the display of the MIDI file leaves a lot to be desired in MuseScore. I've attached a PDF of the original score and the MSCZ file MuseScore created. Note that MuseScore created a few more lines, altered the organ part to the point where the treble clef staff is notated in the bass clef, scattered the vocal parts, and turned dotted quarter notes into quarters tied to eighths. It would almost be easier to start from a blank staff and re-enter every single note. And this MSCZ file is altered from the original conversion, which included at least two lines that had no key signature and filled the lines with accidentals rendering the lines in F minor, which was a interesting exercise in itself; for as I brought those lines into the proper key, at least one existing line had its key signature altered drastically and its line filled with accidentals; I had to drag four flats back onto a line where they originally appeared. Also, the multiple voices set up in the original got spread all over the chart when MuseScore opened the MIDI file, as you will notice.

Is there an easier way to convert a MusicTime file to something MuseScore can read, or to straighten out what MuseScore does to a MIDI file once opened? I haven't found anything in the manual that covers this.

For good measure I've included the MIDI file saved by MusicTime.

Thank you all.

Attachment Size
agnus.pdf 82.63 KB
AGNUS.mscz 5.49 KB


MusicXML (a format) is perfect for such circumstances, but I don't know if that program supports it, or if there's another way to convert the data.

Could you attach the *.mus file ? It seems that Encore 5 (399$) can import MusicTime files and export MusicXML.
The other way is to print a PDF file from MusicTime, if you still have it, and use PDFToMusicXML Pro (199$) to convert the PDF to MusicXML (This software works only on PDF printed from a music notation program, and not a scanned PDF...).

Certainly I can attach the MUS file. Of course, owing to requirements of the forum, I had to zip the file; it does not allow attachment of MUS files directly. I appreciate the information about the programs; however, if I could afford programs like those, I would never have had the impetus to find MuseScore. I would be able to convert my entire MusicTime output (this work alone has a dozen or more files to it; this is only one part of it).

Attachment Size
Agnus.zip 4.46 KB

Harmony Assistant 9.6.2 can too (I use the free version).

I'm not sure if the result is exact, though.

This appears to import in the trunk (5377) better, compared to 1.1. However, there is a crash if you play.

Attachment Size
Harmony Assistant.xml 137.03 KB

In reply to by chen lung

I have to ask, though: How would I use the XML file you provided? When I click on it, it spawns an XML editor. I have no idea how to use this to translate my MUS files into something MuseScore can use. And when I go to the Harmony Assistant web page, I do not find a free version, just a crippleware version, which has the feature most important to me disabled: saving.

In reply to by chen lung

You're quite right: It displays quite strangely in 1.1. Elements of the composition are spread out over seven MuseScore pages; and bar lines are completely out of alignment. I thank you for your effort; but I don't know if or how I can correct the output. As to a fix in 1.2, from what I've read on this site there isn't going to be a 1.2; they're going straight to 2.0. I could be wrong.

In reply to by chen lung

This poses a slight problem, in that I have to edit the scores (you may recognize the words as coming from the recently superseded English translation of the Roman Catholic Mass) and produce sound files as well as sheet music for a cantor who has been thrust upon me, and within days, as we need to make this work a week from today. Plan B?

In reply to by chen lung

Thank you so very much! Now here's the $64K question: How many more of these would you be willing to convert for me? There are another 12 files of varying lengths.

I'll take you up on the upload offer; thank you. I'm a little leery of nightly builds. You, friend, are a lifesaver. Can I take it you work on development of the program?

Attachment Size
mass.zip 59.67 KB

In reply to by km2002

No, I'm not a developer :).

Harmony Assistant gave lots of warnings on some (about either being unable to process, or locate), whilst it only allows a certain amount to be exported (because I have a free version). 'AMEN' crashed when I opened it in MuseScore Nightly Build (5377).

Encore might be the better solution, if lasconic is able to help. I noticed GVOX release both Encore and MusicTime Deluxe. Is .mus a proprietary file format? It may not be suitable for MuseScore generally speaking, but is import of this format possible? If it's used by different software as well, it could be worthwhile.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Thank you so very much, lasconic! I notice that there are semi-phantom rests in these conversions, though. They're grayed out when I open a file; but they play back. So even though the 6/8 time signature is picked up, several rests throughout these conversions have 8 eighth notes in them. I can't seem to delete these rests no matter what. What am I missing?

I do have to say, though, between you and chen lung, I'm a lot further along than if I were stuck re-entering these parts all over again! Thank you both very much!

In reply to by km2002

Regarding the rests.

MuseScore works on a strict time philosophy per measure, and will fill up the rest of the bar with rests as soon as you insert a note. This works on the principle that a bar is a slice of time. It can contain sounds (notes) or silence (rests) but not nothing. Consequently any rests in voice one cannot be deleted, but if you don't want them displayed in the printed score, you simply make them invisible - hence the greyed out rests.

Rests at the end of the bar in other voices can be deleted as there will still be rests to make up the time in voice 1.



if it plays in v1.1, that's all I need...well, and being able to edit the music, of course.

And I guess it's a little much to distinguish between two different file formats using the same extension , especiallywhen one of them (mine, of course) is a miniscule part of the universe. Totally understandable.

In reply to by km2002

There seem to be a growing number of church music professionals using MuseScore, myself included.

Probably the fact that it is free is significant - IME churches, and consequently musicians working in them are always broke!

Thank you, Michael. I have experienced this behavior in MuseScore, filling in a measure once you start entering. However, the conversions lasconic was so kind to provide actually seem to have extra material in them. When I play back what I received, several measures of 6/8 play as though they have two extra beats in them; and in one particular incidence I have a 12/8 bar in an otherwise 6/8 composition. This I don't understand, nor can I fix it. The extra rests are set to invisible (so I'm seeing placeholders), yet they are picked up on playback. That should not be happening; at least, I don't think it should happen.

And as to the famed impoverishment of churches and their employees, I hear you loud and clear!

In reply to by km2002

I would open up the properties for the affected measures and check that the actual time signature and the nominal timesignature are the same.


Edit: Just checked the Agnus lasconic converted, and the actual and nominal time signatures of each bar seem to be inconsistent.

In reply to by ChurchOrganist

Well, every time I turn around I learn some new quirk about this program. Nominal time signatures; who'da thunk it? Yes, I'm finding a lot of inconsistencies; if correctable, that would solve a lot of the problem. I say "if correctable" because I've tried fixing one particular bar in the MEMACC-B file; even though I reset the nominal time sig to 6/8, I'm still stuck with a bar of 4/4 that has a quarter rest I can't delete. It tells me the actual and nominal time sigs are both 6/8; it sure isn't acting that way.

In reply to by km2002

Just been experimenting with the MemAccB XML file

It is inclined to crash both versions of MuesScore, and opens as a corrupted file.

My ancient version of Finale however imports the XML export from Encore with warnings, and I was able to fix the problems in Finale then re-export the XML for a successful open in MuesScore.

Will work on the rest for you :)

Attachment Size
MemAccB.mscz 3.2 KB

In reply to by km2002

Incidentally I vaguely recognise the main motif.

Was, by any chance the video of Olivier Latry performing the Gospel Acclamation at Notre Dame from the same Mass?


In reply to by ChurchOrganist

Actually, that motif came to me in the pre-YouTube days, about 15 years ago. I was looking through a missalette during Lent and saw the gospel response (which may have been deprecated by the new English translation; I don't know) "Glory to you, Word of God, Lord Jesus Christ." The rhythm of the words immediately suggested the motif. I do know that the new translation removed from the Sanctus the words that gave me the title for the Mass setting: Mass of Power and Might.

In reply to by km2002

That's interesting :)

Here's a link to the Latry performance - you can see the similarity.....


And his pre-mass improvisation on the same them is definitely worth hearing and can also be found on YouTube.

I'm currently engaged in arranging the Proper Graduals to the chant found in the English Gradual, and using the words from the Common Worship Psalter. Our congregation was finding a different chant every week too much.

But I digress - but then I am using MuseScore to do it :)

In reply to by ChurchOrganist

Interesting. I can see where affinities could be drawn. Back in the day there used to be a program on US radio; IIRC, it was called "Tune Detective" or "Tune Doctor" or something similar. My dad told me about it. The host would show listeners where in classical music you could find motifs used in popular music of the day (this would be the day before TV). I guess ol' Solomon was right: There really is nothing new under the sun (...he wrote from his laptop computer).

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