Adding ties

• Feb 26, 2012 - 23:59

I was doing fine with adding ties however, I seem to be at a problem. The attached files should help explain my problem. Since I'm not really good at explaining a problem without trying to be way to descriptive or not at all, anyway..just so you know. The first image is the end of the bar, I've tried attaching a bar to it even just moving it, even temporarily to the next measure. But can't seem to remove that rest. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. However, I even tried just tying the last note on the triplet (it usually creates a note.) Fortunately, it's the only section that has that. But, that doesn't mean it won't occur in some other piece. Thanks in advance.

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I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to do... if you want to make the measure shorter, you can right-click on the measure, go to Measure Properties, and change the "Actual" measure length to whatever you want.

In reply to by musiclover007

I'm simply trying to make it like image 2 (in the previous post), however am unable to do it. Every time I try to create it, it creates a half-note. Unfortunately, I can't seem to figure out a workaround. As for making the measure shorter, that's not exactly what I'm trying to do. Maybe the entire measure would help. Not sure, but it's worth a shot. Not sure if these will help clear it up any. It could also be that musescore won't allow me to change the automatic rest. Perhaps it is something that will be looked at in 2.0. Thanks.

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You can't get rid of the rest because the time signature requires three beats in the measure. The example you are trying to reproduce includes a measure with only one beat in it. Is this music from a regular publisher? It seems to be a mistake. But not to worry, you can still reproduce this in MuseScore by right clicking the measure, selecting Measure Properties, and changing the "actual" time signature to 1/4.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Well, actually it's a PDF I found online. So, it is possible that it was transcribed by someone. However, I will try that suggestion. Anything is worth a shot. Thanks for your help and I'll let you know if that fixed it..and if it sounds right at least.

Seems to work, however, unless there is some way to add bars without it jumping up to the next one (i.e it won't play the notes past bar 118). That is it possible for the same bar to be the first as shown on my sheet music. (i.e. 114 instead of 113). That is add 7 bars instead of 6? That would help solve my other problem.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I'm assuming you want the PDF score, not the muse one. So, I'll post both anyway, just in case you want the other. Okay, as you will see on page of the PDF there are 7 bars, however on musescore's there are 6. What I was trying to figure out was is there a way for me to have 7 bars instead of 6. Hope that explains better. Musescore will not allow me playback after bar 118. Hope that helps.

In reply to by Gy273

I think bar 119 is a misprint for bar 4

So I've c orrected that.

I've also corrected a mistake in bar 111.

Regarding the bars per system problem, MuseScore is actually taking up less room for each bar than the original PDF, and this is why you have a discrepancy.

I would wait until you have finished entering the music, and then adjust the layout accordingly by either using line breaks or stretch - if you need fuirther advice on this, come back to the forum.

The score plays all the way on my system.

Attachment Size
Merry Go Round of Life.mscz 8.13 KB

In reply to by Gy273

I still can't tell which specific line on which specific page you are alking about where you aren't getting the number of bars you want. But no matter. At least now it is clear that you aren't talking not being able to actually add the bara, but are simply talking about many bara per line. As Michael says, you shouldn't worry about that right now. Layout constantly changes as you enter notes, so get the notes first before worrying about layout.

Consider how you use a word processor - you don't worry while you are typing about where the word wraps occur. Even if you are copying an existing text document, you wouldn't normally try to copy every detail of where the line and page breaks were in the original. Tou copy the text itself, and if the fonts and margins and page size are such that it comes out looking slightly different, you wouldn't normally care. And so it is with music. Get the notes first. Then if you decide you don't like how the layout comes out by default, you can use the various facilities provided by MuseScore (eg, the Breaks palette, the Layout menu and the Page section of the Edit General Style dialog) to adjust it. But unless you have a special reason to need to, I wouldn't make it your goal to copy every last layout detail of the original, any more than if you were copyong piece of text you'd be trying to copy every last line break and page break.

I just need someone to review the sheet music. The only thing I didn't put in was the text. (i.e. Slower), but other than that I'm pretty sure I didn't miss anything. However, I am also wondering if someone could figure out how to slow down bars 226-228. Thanks

Attachment Size
Merry Go Round of Life.mscz 12.81 KB

In reply to by Gy273

I didn't check every note or anything, but it basically looks fine! As for tempo, see The section on Tempo In the Handbook. Adding the text "slower" and defining the tempo to be what you want will do the trick.

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