An article on jazz reharmonization of "Silent Night"

• Dec 23, 2016 - 20:44

I recently wrote and posted the following article via Google Docs and thought some people here might like to see it. The musical examples are, of course, created using MuseScore.…


It's about seeing those chords as a tapestry where each note is a thread and then taking those threads and twisting them amongst each other but never breaking the thread and then coming back to something resembling the original pattern. Thanks for sharing.

In the spirit of the original, this sounds quite good using flute as voice with arpeggiated chords played on acoustic guitar. "Original" attached for others to play around with.

Minor grammatical errors:
"I will confess this is not original; I have heard other arrangements you this."

Attachment Size
Silent_Night.mscz 15.83 KB

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