what is "range of an early amateur"

• Mar 1, 2012 - 09:25

I'm translating Handbook, I came to page Note Entry , section "Coloring of notes out of an instrument's range"
I'm not quite understand this sentence "For these instruments, notes outside the range of an early amateur appear dark yellow, and notes outside the typical range of a professional appear red."

What is "an early amateur " note range of an instrument ? and what's the difference between it and "professional" note range ?


These two properties are here to let a composer know that it will be difficult for a beginner to medium player to play the yellow notes. The red ones are out of the range of the instruments even for a professional player. Of course, it doesn't apply to a piano, but it makes sense for voice or wind instruments because the most you practise the higher or lower you can go.
Hope it helps.

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