For Further Development...

• Mar 7, 2012 - 02:22

This is a wonderful program that could be widely used by most musicians from the popular music field. But, in respect of that, can I request a couple of further devleopment requests?
1. delete a note or rest. Can this function be made much simpler? And available subsequent to a transcription being entered?
2. drum parts. Polyphonic drum beats look messy in this current version. It would be wonderful to be able to 'disappear' all rests in a multi-layer drum part in order to make the score easily readable.


1. Coukd you elaborate? What could be simpler than clicking the note and htting delete?

2. Could you post an example score? Normally rests should be shown, but there ar especial cases when they can be hidden. So you can right click and set invisible. More often, though, you want to have them, but just have them moved vertically, which you can do by double clicking and using the cursor keys. It occurs to me, though, that if the particular rhythm you are dealing with happens to be one for which actually hiding the rests is musically valid, a plugin could probanly be written to hide all rests in a given voice within a selection.

In reply to by garrytamlyn

Right click on a mac :

We don't have layers in MuseScore. It's called voices. You can delete all rests in a voice by right click one -> Select -> More -> Same voice and when done right click on the rest -> set invisible. Or if the rests are on Voice > 1, you can just press Del. Of course, on a mac, you may not have a Del key..., but you can use fn + Backspace.

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