MS does not work on Notebook

• Apr 4, 2012 - 03:26

I'm trying to run MS on a notebook with Windows 7 Starter.
When I try to play back the fist couple of bars are OK then the cursor runs ahead of the play back which results in a very distorted, out of time, sound.
This happens using 1.1 and 1.2
MS works wonderfully on my desktop and laptop but I use the Notebook when I'm on the road so I'm very keen to have it working
I'm a guitar player and teacher and I must say I love MS.
I'm now doing all the charts for the shows I work in, and I have all my pupils at the high school I work at and all my private pupils using MS.
Congrats on a great program.
I hope someone can help with the Notebook problem.
Many thanks.


Does this happen with all scores or just some? if just some, could you post one that demonstrates the problem?

Culd be must a matter of it not being powerful to handle realtime audio processing.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hi Marc,
Thanks for your reply.
Yes it happens with all scores....I downloaded some and they were the same.
The Notebook should be powerful enough...1G of problem with other progs even DAW's
I've been pointed to the Issues page where other people seem to have the same problem..... I will follow closely and look forward to 2.0

After searching through the site I found other people having the same problem.
They suggested trying a nightly build, which I have done.......and it works!!
I don't know what that means for the stable releases.
I'm just happy to be able to get back to work.

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