Parse and extract musical and meta information from GP* files

• Apr 22, 2012 - 18:21


I was wondering if there is a module in the MuseScore code that can be used to parse and extract musical and meta-information from GP* (GP3, GP4, GP5, etc.) files. For example, if I have a GP4 file with two guitar tracks, I would like to extract each of these tracks separately as a sequence of MIDI symbols (or any other equally descriptive format). Additionally, any other information, such as time signature, key, etc. of the song may also be required.

I want to do this either through code (preferably C or Python) or the command-line. I found these two links from an initial Google search...…

I might just end up using one of these, but I wanted to know if you guys were aware of any other projects. Any hacks/ideas would be great too!




MuseScore 2.0 will be able to import GP3 to GP5. We are still looking for someone to make GP6 happen :) You can try a nightly build on mac or windows and you can get the code. See [[nodetitle:Development]]

You can check TuxGuitar otherwise. They have parsing code for GP3-GP6... but it's not maintained.

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