Fingering in Fretboard Diagrams

• Jan 16, 2017 - 15:44

Most guitar fretboard diagrams I've seen have not included fingering numbers. Notwithstanding, perusing some published guides results in seeing some fretboard diagrams using numerals (in white text) within the black dot positions of frets corresponding to finger numbers (1=index, 4=pinky; my guess would be that 0=thumb). This might come in handy for future implementation. Maybe some options (a style?) as to what the font and size would be regarding the fingering of the chord diagram should be available to the user. With this it follows a resizing of the diagram for easier reading ought to be considered; possibly a "maintain aspect ratio" resizing on chord diagrams could be implemented to customize how they will be used on a given notation sheet.

Hope this gets considered for Musescore's development.


I'm for this, and I believe this has been discussed before. I've also seen numbers instead of the black dots. Basically black numbers on (non-transparent) white dots I guess.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I haven't seen that, but it makes sense to have as an option. Here is an image of the first idea, and then this one also (the numbers having white space behind them with no dots). Maybe instead of one or the other there could be a color option for the dots, allowing them to be the same color as the background, or anything the user desires; the same applies to the numbers and the actual fret grid.
ChartFingering.png         ChartFingeringNoDot.png

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