Please God help me (I have no idea what I'm doing)

• May 13, 2012 - 16:08

So I have the sheet music book for The Fray.

I've been playing Piano for about a year. I can't read sheet music at all, so I thought I'd learn by copying some up (ever do that in school? Where you copy something and it gets ingrained in your mind? Yeah.)

So I'm trying to copy the piano part for Vienna.

I'm stuck and I have no idea what to do.

My drawing (lol) is what the sheet music looks like for Vienna. The bottom part is the only result I can get from MuseScore. I'm using an alternate voice for the upside down Minim, but it doesn't seem to make any difference. There's no way I can get this to work.

Please someone help me, I'm so confused oh lordy.


Go to the treble stave.
Left-cllick on the first rest.
Using the numeric keypad (one way to do it), press 5 followde by a point (dot, period, whatever).

This tells MS to accept note input of duration 1 1/2 times a crotchet (quarter note)
Press f and you set the pitch of that note.
Now press 4 followed by f and you get a quaver (eighth-note).
Now press 5 followed by the + sign and you get a crotchet tied to that quaver.

Press [Esc] to get you out of note entry mode.

Move on down to the top voice of the bass stave.
Click on the first note.
Press 4 in readiness to place a quaver (eighth note).
Press . to make it a rest.
Now press 5 (getting ready for a crotchet) followed by b and then another b and another, and another.
Press [Esc] to get you out of note entry.

Now drag rests up/down to line up with the notes of the voice to whcih they belong.

And practise.

Attachment Size
Temp_Vienna.mscz 1.84 KB

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