Medium Size Score is Agonizingly Slow

• Jan 20, 2017 - 16:29

Can someone please help me with this? Musescore is the primary software I use as a composer and I have a deadline coming very soon for a project I am working on for a class. I've tried to bear with the lag, but it is almost a 5 second lag at times and makes any significant progress close to impossible. Please help ASAP. Thanks.

P.S. I am attaching the score in question.

Attachment Size
The_Machine.mscz 61.85 KB


Score works fine here. And indeed is not of a size where we know to have performance problems, far from it.
So it may very well be the Navigator going wild, just resize slightly.
Or test a 2.1 nightly build, as there that problem should have been fixed

If no one comes up with a real solution then start a new score with the exact same staffs. Make several measures, cut and paste them into the slow score. You should be able to keep both open at once. This will speed it up but obviously not fix the problem. If this doesn't help, then the problem is another program and you are noticing it in MS. I'm on Windows 10 and do not have that problem. I tried a few things that slow the process down (like opening the navigator) but I did not experience that much of a slow down.

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