segfault when take screenshot in continuous view

• Jan 24, 2017 - 18:54

I don't have time to investigate or figure out reproduction steps, but I got a segfault when I selected the screenshot tool while in Continuous view for a 2-staff score without any line breaks. I'm on latest master c82b63b on Windows 10 x86-64.

1  Ms::MStaff::vspacerDown                                                                        measure.cpp       121  0xddff88   
2  Ms::Measure::vspacerDown                                                                       measure.cpp       286  0x7ceb25   
3  Ms::System::minDistance                                                                        system.cpp        1016 0x7e256e   
4  Ms::LayoutContext::collectPage                                                                 layout.cpp        3279 0x889b2d   
5  Ms::LayoutContext::layout                                                                      layout.cpp        3488 0x88ad32   
6  Ms::Score::doLayoutRange                                                                       layout.cpp        3475 0x88ac30   
7  Ms::Score::update                                                                              cmd.cpp           201  0x79acc5   
8  Ms::ScoreView::startFotomode                                                                   fotomode.cpp      368  0x56c21e   
9  Ms::ScoreView::qt_static_metacall                                                              moc_scoreview.cpp 216  0x6a0e45   
10 ZN11QMetaObject8activateEP7QObjectiiPPv                                                                               0x68a08842 
11 ZN14QAbstractState7enteredENS_14QPrivateSignalE                                                                       0x68a6ed53 
12 ??                                                                                                                    0x22ce8e80 
13 ZN20QStateMachinePrivate9microstepEP6QEventRK5QListIP19QAbstractTransitionEP16CalculationCache                        0x68a44248 
14 ZN20QStateMachinePrivate10_q_processEv                                                                                0x68a443e0 
15 ZN13QStateMachine18qt_static_metacallEP7QObjectN11QMetaObject4CallEiPPv                                               0x68a479ac 
16 ??                                                                                                                    0x1fc70404 
17 ZN13QStateMachine5eventEP6QEvent                                                                                      0x68a47aa1 
18 ??                                                                                                                    0x1d1ecfb4 
19 ??                                                                                                                               


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