Adding pedal notes to 2 staff organ music

• May 28, 2012 - 16:01

I am a new user of musescore and a self-taught recreational electronic organist (Lowrey Citation Theater Organ). I am beyond the chord symbol only "Easy Play" level, and sometimes I want to take music that has only chord symbols and flesh it out with chord and pedal notes to make it more interesting and more challenging.

When I try to enter the pedal notes on the bass staff, anything other than a whole note gets connected to the chord notes via a stem. I don't seem to be able to make the stems of the chord notes and the stems of the pedal notes go in opposite directions so they are not connected.

Anyone have any hints? I know I could add a 3rd staff, but that is not my first choice as most of the music I use is written on two, and that is what I am used to looking at. I would appreciate the advice of anyone with more experience than I have.


I am guessing you are talking about music written in multiple voices - that is, two or more independent rhythmic lines notated on the same staff (stems up and stems down). If so, then you need to look up Voices in the Handbook. Also check out the tutorial videos for more on the capabilities of MuseScore.

Conventionally organ music is written on three staves - 2 for the keyboards and 1 for the pedal.

You are, however, quite at liberty to use a 2 stave reduction, although it can become very complicated if you are doing complex stuff.

If you are just doing LH chord and pedal bass note stuff with the melody in the right hand, it should be ok.

Marc is right btw, you need to be using a separate voice to notate the pedal if you are using a 2 stave reduction.

You can find the handbook entry here if you haven't already done so:

If you need more help - come back here.


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