
• Feb 4, 2017 - 20:59

Hi all,

I am trying to create cues in orchestral parts. I have done it before successfully, but today I can't get it to work. Here are the results I am getting. cue.png This happens when I add the cues to the score, and also when I disable the 'create multimeasure rests' and add them to the parts.

Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?


Obviously, that's not supposed to do that. If you trim it down to about 10 measures does it do the same thing? If so, can you trim it and upload the score so programmers can look at it. Otherwise upload the entire score telling us where to see this.

In reply to by Kaspar

In what you call measure 60 (the one with the treble clef [score measure 122], what did you do with the 1/8 rest that is missing. Also can you confirm all the cue notes are in voice 1 as well as the note after the treble clef. It would help if you uploaded the file with the problems or give us instructions to recreate the problem from this file.

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