Lyrics font changes to very small default size every time I enter a new syllable.

• Jun 24, 2012 - 21:09

This problem seems to have existed for several years and I'm sorry to raise it again. I've tried all the suggested solutions in every possible order and combination but problem continues. (The default font size is currently 7.6, in the past has been 9-point something. I am using Version 1.1, Revision 2611, Mac computer OSX 10.6.8. If I change to Version 1.2, will that fix the problem? Will what I have already done be affected (like, losing everything, etc.)?


It would help if you stated what you have actually tried rather than saying that you've tried "everything". Have you tried "Style -> Edit Text Style..." and then see what size font you have for lyrics?

I don't have a Mac. I use Linux. I upgraded to 1.2 without any problems. All my files have remained untouched. I had to re-do the shortcuts. I had already lost my hair so wasn't too worried about that.

In reply to by underquark

Sorry, I should have specified:

(1) Style->Lyrics odd [& even] lines -> Size 11 : yields lyric size 7.60
(2) Ctrl-click (=right click) on size 7.60 text -> Select -> All Similar Elements (selects all text) -> Ctrl-click on text again -> Text Properties -> Size reads 8;
Then if I change Size to 11, all existing text changes to 11, but next text box again 7.6.
(3) However, if I do the same operation on a size 11 syllable, Size reads 11, press OK, existing small text stays small.

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