musescore 2.0.3 assertion on loading file

• Feb 10, 2017 - 01:49

Whenever I open attached file musescore crashes with the following message:

unknown file suffix <>, name 
unknown file suffix <>, name <>
Score::removeSpanner: Volta (0x555558b2ddf0) not found
Score::removeSpanner: Volta (0x555558b2ea00) not found
*** Error in `/usr/bin/musescore': corrupted double-linked list: 0x00005555571e6a40 ***
======= Backtrace: =========
======= Memory map: ========

Since this is the first tab I've tried to open it's probable that other tabs will crash as well.
Yes I've tried to rm -rf ~/.local/share/data/MuseScore/MuseScore2/

This really looks like already reported problem: but since there is no trace I'm opening new ticket.


In reply to by pva0xd

Qt-5.6 is Long Term Support, so we may stay on that one for MuseScore 3.0. But if we go up, it got to be 5.8.
And MuseScore 2.1 will still require Qt 5.4, just like MuseScore 2.0.x. While MuseScore 1.3 needed Qt 4.8.
This all is at least true for Windows, not too sure about Linux and Mac

Yes, opens fine in ubuntu. BUT there are also errors in the original score (at least when I inspect it with TuxGuitar). The repeats are set to x1 (so don't repeat) and the first volta only encompasses one measure *where I presume it is meant to cover two).

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